On the 27 May the International Building Quality Centre (IBQC) and the Consortium of European Building Control (CEBC) ratified a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to collaborate in the development of good practice, thought-leadership with regards to the design of building control.

This is a major milestone both internationally and regionally and is the culmination of some months of discussions.

It is not surprising however as the IBQC and CEBC share a common mission: to improve the building regulatory ecology, establish best practice models, monitor industry trends, and gather relevant experiences, all with the implicit vision of enhancing the safety of the built environment for all citizens.

Areas of Collaboration

The sharing of best practice research and publications for the betterment of their common goals.

The joint development of building guidelines and reports when mutual interests align to enhance building safety standards.

The participation in drafting coalitions and committees when mutual interests align.

Engagement in conferences, seminars, and meetings that are deemed beneficial to common goals.

Visibility and recognition: the IBQC and CEBC will be able to place their logos on each other’s websites to enhance their visibility and recognition within the industry both locally and internationally.

The IBQC Chair Adjunct Professor Kim Lovegrove stated that ‘this is a tremendous development to enter into a thought-leadership collaboration with such a preeminent European body in the development of a globally impactful initiative. The synergies are compelling and the mission is paramount’.

CEBC President Sergio Vazquez said that “harmonising our activities has always been a driving force for CEBC. This agreement will definitely pave the route towards a global and consistent building sector”.


Signatory CEBC President Sergio Vazquez    and      Signatory IBQC Chair Adjunct Professor Kim Lovegrove, RML, MSE